Recycling - Organic Fertilizer 1

Project Goal

Obtaining organic fertilizer by recycling and using this organic fertilizer in parks and gardens in a much more cost effective way.

Benefits of Project

With the project to be carried out over BELKA Inc., income will be provided to BELKA Inc. and healthier and cheaper fertilizer will be used in green areas where Ankara people benefit.

Content of Project

This includes the process of converting waste lawns from parks and gardens to organic compost by transporting and composting waste lawns to the composting plant.

Final Situation

The efforts to obtain organic fertilizers have been completed successfully by evaluating, composting and mowing the lawns thrown from the parks and gardens. The obtained organic fertilizer was sent to Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil and Plant Nutrition for analysis and the results showed that the best quality organic fertilizer was obtained.

Similarly, tree pruning branches in parks, gardens and avenues were collected and studies were started to obtain organic fertilizer by composting. Trial production and University analyzes will be obtained in a short time and preparation will be started for the coming years.

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